I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

March 24-28

Welcome back to school!!  I hope you were able to have some fun during Spring Break!  I am so glad that the weather was nice at least for a couple of days so we could get outside and enjoy some fresh air! 

We are now entering the 4th quarter...can you believe it's nearing the end of the year already?! 

Here are some upcoming dates and reminders:
 Mon., Mar. 24- 4th quarter begins
Fri., Mar. 28-Dad's Door Celebration Party!!!!  Thanks to Brett Pickett and Chad Milam for designing the coolest door EVER!!  The PTO sponsored the contest and our class WON!  The kids chose to have doughnuts with their electronics party.  They were pretty excited! 
 Mon., Mar. 31- Spring Picture Day
Thurs., Apr. 3- Skate Night
April 7-8- 3rd Grade Reading State Assessments
April 16-17- 3rd grade Math State Assessments
Fri., Apr. 25- No School for students (staff professional development day)
April 28-30- MAP Assessments
                     Science Week

Here is what we will be working on in class this week:
Spelling-- A new list will be coming home tonight.  The words on the list this week will come from our "Life Cycles and Traits" vocabulary list.

Science--  Students will be learning about plant and animal traits and how they each follow a life cycle.

Reading-- We will start novel studies later this week.  Kids will be reading within a group and assigned daily activities to complete while reading. 

Math-- Our focus in math this week and next will be perimeter and area. Students will be practicing how to find the distance around a shape and the amount of space it takes up.  We will be completing various activities to help us explore more about those two topics. 

Have a wonderful week!!

Monday, March 10, 2014

March 10-14

Wow!!  What gorgeous weather we are finally having!  I sure hope it is here to stay!

Upcoming Reminders:
  • March 13--End of the 3rd Quarter
  • March 14-23-- Spring Break-- No school
Here is the 3rd grade assessment schedule for the Spring:
  • April 7-8 Reading State Assessment
  • April 16-17 Math State Assessment
  • April 28-30 MAP testing

Students will be completing their Auto-Biography this week.  They are turning them into a published book. The books will be mailed-in later this week.  So, if you have not returned your signed order form, please send it in immediately.  Signing the form and returning it to me will allow your child to receive a FREE book.  If you would like to order more, just follow the instructions on the order form.

Students will continue their practice of telling time this week.  The problems will focus on units of time, elapsed time and the problem solving strategy will be to work backwards.  We will have a brief quiz on Thursday.  Also, students will be given addition, subtraction and multiplication timed tests this week to check their progress for the 3rd quarter grade card.

 The topic is government and civics.  The final test will be on Thursday, March 13.  Here is the link to practice the words and their meanings: 

Social Studies
Students will  learn about citizenship and what it takes to be a good citizen.

The students will practice finding the main idea and supporting details in a text.

Have a great week!