I just made a new Voki. See it here:

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Hello Parents!

Welcome back from the long holiday weekend! Hope you all had a fabulous Thanksgiving and got some time to think about all the things we have to be thankful for! Now after all that turkey, it is time to get back to business for 3 more weeks!

Our class went to MVHS yesterday to have our reader's theater recorded by the video and production class.  The kids performed fabulously!  I will keep you posted as to when we will be able to view the production.

December is always a very busy month with lots of things added to our schedules. Check out the REMINDERS at the bottom of this post.  :)
Here is what is going on this week!

We will continue our Geometry unit on two-dimensional shapes and their attributes. This week we will cover how polygons can be put together and taken apart to make new polygons.

This week we will start a Rigby theme about Recycling and our comprehension strategy we will focus on is determining importance.

We will continue to have a 15 word Rigby list and the challenge list. This week the prefix is super-, sur- which means over, above, beyond.
The Rigby list is: can, cook, find, your, bigger, bragger, dimmed, dropping, hugging, ripped, splitting, strumming, tripped, wetter, and transferred.
The challenge list is: superb, superimpose, superintendent, superior, supervisor, surcharge, surplus, surprise, surreal, and surtax.

This week we are starting a new unit on recycling/pollution and inventions. We will only get to introduce this unit but will start more detail and projects next week.

Social Studies 
After so much work from our five wonderful candidates, I would like to announce our President and Vice President after Tuesday's election:  Hunter and Peyton! The class will now start campaigning for Hunter to be the president of the entire 3rd grade! We will be working on our campaign all week and the final election is this Friday.

We will be reviewing adjectives, root words, prefixes, and suffixes. We will be making posters, jingles, and playing bingo!
Have a good week!


12/2 3rd Grade Presidential Election

12/8 3rd Grade Music Program at 10 am & 7 pm

12/9 Crazy Holiday Clothes Day

12/13 Cool the Earth Assembly

12/15 Winter Party at 3:00 pm
12/16 Half Day of School
12/16 End of 2nd Quarter
12/17 - 1/04 Winter Break
1/05 School Resumes

Monday, November 14, 2011

November 14-18

We will continue to read stories about transportation this week, while practicing how to create images about the text we read.

We completed multiplication today with our Topic 6 Test. We will be studying geometry for the remainder of the week. The lessons will include these topics:  Lines and Line Segments, Angles, Polygons and Triangles.

Writing-We will begin descriptive writing this week.  I want others to be able to create images in their minds from the descriptions our kids will be writing.

Social Studies-We learned about the 3 branches of government last week and will learn about citizenship this week. Students will understand the differences between Rights and Responsibilities. 

Formative Assessments-We began taking formative assessments, which are practice tests for State Assessments. We will be taking one in reading and one in math every week. In reading, the students will be tested on narrative and expository reading passages. In math, the students will take short quizzes that each emphasize a specific math skill.

Spelling-The patterns for this week are silent b,g, and gh (I have added to this list and it will now be a 15 word list).  The Rigby words are anything, think, us, way, sign, bright, doubt, sigh, dough, subtle, debt, design, gnat, sleigh and reign.

The Extension list focuses on the prefix- "sub-" which means under.  Those words are subconscious, subcutaneous, subdue, subfreezing, subirrigate, subject, submarine, submerge, subordinate and subway.

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

November 4 - 7

The third grade is sponsoring a great program called Cool the Earth. The program began yesterday and will run through December 15.  It is a program where the kids will take an initiative towards helping the earth. The students came home with a coupon book yesterday. They only need to complete a task one time to bring the coupon in. The pledge is for them to try to continue it, but not anything they will need to keep track of. Our school goal is to have each child complete AT LEAST 3 coupons but more would be even better!  Check the Monday Folder for more information or let me know if you have any questions. 

This week in math we will continue to work on Topic 6. Depending on how the week goes, we may have our Topic 6 Test this Friday, I will let you all know as this week goes on! We will continue to work on multiplication and find the number of combinations that are possible between the members of one group and the members of another group. We will also work on two-step story problems towards the end of the week.

Reading We start a new unit in Rigby, Theme 6 which is called "Roads to Travel On." This week our comprehension focus will be creating mental images while reading.

We will continue to focus on prefixes and suffixes and how they can change a word.

Social Studies/Science
This week we will start our unit on government. Students will learn government vocabulary and the importance of documents such as the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights, and The Constitution.

SpellingThe Rigby Spelling list will focus on silent consonants w, h, b, g, and gh. The Rigby words are room, same, saw, that's, comb, honest, limb, numb, wrist, and tomb. The extension list focus is contra, counter (against, opposite). The extensions words are contraband, contradict, contrarian, contrary, contrast, counterbalance, counterclockwise, counterexample, counterfeit, counterintuitive.

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

October 31 - November 4

October 31- November 4

Happy Halloween!!!  I hope you all had a safe and enjoyable evening last night.  I did not assign any homework last night so I hope the kids had a great time.  Please note that Halloween candy should not be sent to school for snack.  Thanks for keeping your kids fueled with healthy snacks here at school.  :) 

After last week's full week of activities, we will be getting back to our normal routines this week.  Please look over what we have planned and let me know if you have any questions.

Reading- We will continue with Theme 5 this week.  Small reading groups will begin reading various chapter books.  Be sure to ask your child what book he/she is reading.

Spelling- The Rigby pattern this week is "oy and oi" and the list is found, laugh, sleep, something, avoid, choice, destroy, oyster, royal, turquoise.  The prefix pattern this week is "co- and com-" which means together or with and the list is coexist, cohesive, coincidence, combine, commiserate, committee, communication, community, compare and compatible.

Grammar- We will practice combining sentences this week.  This will help devleop the students sentence fluency when they write.

Math- We are contininuing to learn our basic multiplication facts this week.  We will learn how to multiply by 3, 4, 6, 7, and 8.  After this week, they will have learned all their facts through 10, so it would be a good time to get some flash cards so they can practice memorizing them at home.

Science- This week we will be learning about weather.